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Things were really popping only hours before the War Hero Murphy's so called 'disappearance' on May 28th 1971, what with former mental patient Juan Corona's mass murders of 25 or possibly more farm workers near Yuba City, California. The following below is from Wikipedia: ith
"In the early morning hours of May 26, 1971, police entered Corona's Yuba City home with a search warrant and arrested him. Evidence indicating his guilt was discovered and seized, such as two bloodstained knives, a machete, a pistol and blood-stained clothing. There was also a work ledger that contained 34 names and dates, including seven of the known victims. The ledger came to be referred to as a "death list" by the prosecution, who alleged it recorded the dates the men were murdered.
Juan Corona had been supplying workers to the ranches where the victims were discovered. He housed a lot of the men that worked for him in a bunkhouse on the Sullivan Ranch, where most of the victims were discovered."
In light of the sudden rash of plane crashes that were to follow in the wake of Audie Murphy's reported disappearance and purported death in a plane crash in a remote wilderness area in Western Virginia, I can't help but wonder if the Pace Car that plowed into the press box at the Indianapolis 500 raceway the day after Murphy's reported 'disappearance' wasn't done intentionally to send a message to U.S. press corps and media in general to 'stay in line' or else, what with the two major U.S. plane crashes that were to take place only days later in with the bizarre and controversial mid-air over Bradbury Hills only 8 miles from where I then lived in Azusa, California between a Marine Corp Phantom jet and an Air West DC-9, followed only hours later by the crash of an Allegheny Airlines turbo-prop in New Haven, Connecticut.ish
The front page of the June 1st 1971 New Orleans 'Times Picayune' is indeed interesting in that the photo of Audie Murphy and article reporting his death is directly under the headliner front page article reporting U.S. District Court Judge Christenberry's putting in the 'fix' for high ranking CIA agent Clay Shaw, a well reputed, co-conspirator in the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 by barring New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison from prosecuting Shaw for perjury related to Shaw's 1969 trial for his part the conspiracy to kill the President.
D.A. Garrison was to be arrested only weeks later in July '71 on bogus corruption and bribery charges brought forth by the U.S. Attornies at the direction of President Nixon's Attorney General John Mitchell. The charges against Garrisomn were later proved false and dropped being based on false testimony, and Attorney General Mitchell was later convicted of crimes relating to the Watergate Scandal that eventually forced President Nixon to resign by August 1974.
As War Hero Audie Murphy had personally spoken with President Nixon regarding the release of 'mob' union leader Jimmie Hoffa, in the weeks before his, Murphy's disappearance and death, I suspect that Murphy was working a deal with Hoffa to speak to New Orleans D.A. Garrison about his purported involvement in the 1963 Kennedy assassination and those of his 'mob' associates and others powerfull business interest as well.
Jimmie Hoffa was a close friend of Earl Ruby, the brother of 'mob'/Dallas P.D. 'bagman' Jack Ruby -- the man who murdered JFK assassination 'patsy' Lee Harvey Oswald, only two days after President Kennedy's assassination. Oswald's assassination was broadcast live on all three major TV networks as the Dallas cops drug Oswald before the cameras like a human sacrifice before a frightened and bewildered American People just after the network cameras s cut-away from President Kennedy's nationally televised funeral, like some carefully scripted TV show.
Union leader Hoffa was eventually released from prison in December '71 and he himself was to later turn up 'missing' in July 1975, this only two weeks after 'mob' boss Sam Giancana was murdered whilst under the supposed 'protection' of the FBI in June 1975. -- The FBI reportedly had refused to investigate Giancana at first, but gave a the matter a cursory 'once over' look and 'cover up' after members of the U.S. Senate had complained about the FBI's refusal to investigate the murder of the former 'mob' kingpin.
"Giancana was killed shortly before he was scheduled to appear before the Church Committee investigating CIA and Cosa Nostra collusion in plots to assassinate President John F. Kennedy." Wikipedia 2018
"Frame Up" was the name of the politically motivated games played on both War Hero Murphy and New Orleans D.A. Garrison in 1970 through 1971. Murphy because of his efforts to persuade President Nixon into freeing convicted union leader Jimmie Hoffa from prison.
Judging by the circumstances, events and facts I would conclude that Audie Murphy wanted to get Hoffa to tell what he knew about about the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy to Jim Garrison and thus enable New Orleans D.A. Garrison reopen the case he brought against CIA agent Clay Shaw in 1969 and bring indictments against the former Army General Charles Cabell who was later Deputy CIA Director under Allen Dulles and his brother Earle Cabell the Mayor Dallas who were both heavily implicated in the 1963 'JFK' assassination, along with CIA Director Dulles and dozens of other military-industrialist, war criminals and profiteers who were still raking in billions from the undeclared Vietnam War.
Ironically enough, or should I say episodically enough, Charles Cabell died on May 25, 1971 only three days before Audie Murphy's so called 'disappearance' on May 28th 1971. I can't help but wonder if the former General, Charles Cabell may have been talking to War Hero Murphy and Cabell may have decided to clear his conscience before he died and thereby mitigate his grievous sins to some extent.
"Well I was standing behind him, directly behind him and I saw a man pull out a gun.
Burbank, California is most famous for it's movie studios and television stations there and is located about 26 miles west of the place I grew up at in Covina. As for the motives as to why the Burbank Police should try and 'frame' War Hero Murphy on bogus drug charges who can say for certain, but I will say that it was most definitely politically motivated to discredit him there in the days leading up to his so called 'disappearance' and subsequent death.i
America's most decorated World War II Hero Audie Murphy who wasn't seen thereat the USO shows entertaining troops in Vietnam with Bob Hope, Ann Margaret, Joey Heatherton and other celebs in the 1960's through May of 1971 and if there were any statements or press releases by Murphy supporting the undeclared war in Vietnam I have never heard or seen any of them. -- I suspect that's because there weren't any.
I contend that Murphy knew that the undeclared Vietnam war due primarily to President Kennedy's 1963 assassination and the immediate installation of Vice President Johnson who reversed Kennedy's plans to withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam and instead
ramped up the undeclared war to new heights using the bogus 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident as justification.
Murphy's private chat with President Nixon and other efforts to get union boss Hoffa out of prison in last days of Murphy's life, in what I would argue was a bid to get Hoffa to 'spill' what he knew about the 1963 'JFK' assassination to New Orleans D.A. Garrison apparently put him in the 'crosshairs' of those subversive and controlling elements of CIA,FBI, NSA, the U.S. military, etcetera.
The images and text below as to just how powerfull a reach that the Lockheed-CIA milieu in Burbank had in 1971 and better illustrate and corroborate my findings stated here on this page.m
Don-Schulman then an employee for CBS affiliate KNX TV in Los Angeles gave this account.
"Well I was standing behind him, directly behind him and I saw a man pull out a gun. It looked like he pulled it out from his pocket and shot three times I saw all three shots hit the Senator, then uh I saw the Senator fall and was picked up and carried away..."
In a subsequent interview Schuman later described how he saw a guard pull a gun and shot three times. His bosses at KNX and FBI agents told hin that he was mistaken. They told him in the confusion that he didn't actually see what he had actually witnessed and said:
"The guard definitley pulled out his gun and fired."
Schulman was eventually ignored by the LAPD unit investigating the RFK assassination as was the case with the FBI and transcripts of his testimony were either altered, edited or destroyed entirely along with the vast of amount of documented, photographic and physical evidence collected. The Ambassador Hotel was subsequently bulldozed and demolished in 2005-2006 and a school built on the site. ____
I surmise that Audie Murphy who was last seen alive in Atlanta, Georgia was kidnapped there, most likely by agents of the FBI's Division 5
Internal Security Section and then covertly taken to FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia where he was interrogated Gestapo style and murdered and then flown to a small airport or landing strip near Roanoke and then 'choppered' into the remote wildness area where his body was placed with the other passenger's bodies and some bits of charred aircraft fuselage and other parts to make the crash site complete and
really for public consumption by the press corps and media Memorial Day Weekend of May 1971.
William Cornelius Sullivan (May 12, 1912 – November 9, 1977) was former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation intelligence operations.
"Sullivan claimed Hoover's concerns about the American Communist Party were overemphasized when compared to violations of Federal civil rights laws in the segregated South. This friction worsened as Sullivan made his opinions public. Many bureau insiders considered Sullivan the logical successor to Hoover. However, on October 1, 1971, Hoover abruptly had the locks changed on Sullivan's door and removed his nameplate. Under the circumstances, Sullivan was forced to retire.
Sullivan then became even more vocal about Hoover's controversial counterintelligence programs, collectively labeled COINTELPRO, including operations that he himself had conceived and administered."
Sullivan was No. 3 Man in the FBI and the head of the FBI's Division 5 Internal Security Section that was a key player in the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. I would argue that the torture-interrogation-murder of World War II Hero Murphy was too much for him and so he quit the FBI on or possibly before October 1, 1971 only four months after Audie Murphy's supposed plane crash death in May 1971.
Sullivan was in the U.S. OSS the precursor to the CIA during World War II.All the bullshit about the American Communist Party full of FBI informants and Civil Rights laws put out by the FBI's P.R.- B.S. Dept. is false.
The FBI was also involved in the assassination of Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, then only 3 years before in April 1968 and the cover up that followed."On November 9, 1977, days before he was to testify to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, twenty minutes before sunrise, sixty-five-year-old William C. Sullivan was [shot to death by] a twenty-two-year-old son of a state policeman, using a telescopic sight on a .30 caliber rifle, [who] said he mistook Sullivan for a deer ..."
World War II Hero Audie Murphy was reportedly last seen alive boarding a twin engine Aero Commander 680 Super turbo-prop at DeKalb–Peachtree Airport in Atlanta on Friday May 28, 1971. Atlanta was also the city where retired U.S. Army Chief Signal Officer Joseph O.
Mauborgne resided at that time and on up to date of his death ten days later on June 7, 1971.Based on fact that Murphy was actively engaged in freeing convicted union leader Jimmie Hoffa from prison, and met with President Nixon in the last months of his life in order to enlist his aid in the matter, it put Murphy at odds with powerfull political elements in the U.S. who wanted to Hoffa to remain in prison.
President Nixon eventually freed Hoffa in December '71 only six-months after Murphy's death in June and Hoffa was to 'disappear' on July 30, 1975 only six-weeks after former mob kingpin Sam Giancana was murdered on June 19, 1975 in Chicago whilst under FBI 'protective custody' shortly before Giancana was scheduled to appear before the Church Committee investigating CIA and Cosa Nostra collusion in plots to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.
These facts clearly corroborate my contention that Audie Murphy had intended to have New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison question Jimmie Hoffa about CIA and mob involvement in the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy. This is evidenced by the timing of Audie Murphy's death which coincided within only hours of U.S. District Court Judge Christenberry's episodically timed court order barring Jim Garrison from legally prosecuting CIA agent-New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw for a perjury charge arising from Shaw's 1969 trial for the murder of President Kennedy.
As Murphy and others in U.S. military and National Security Establishment needed to covertly communicate with each other in order to provide saftey for themsevlves and security for their witnesses many of whom were being murdered, as well as securing documents and other evidence which kept turning up destroyed or 'missing' -- I would argue that Audie Murphy made use of some sophisticated state of the art codes and messaging systems to accomplish his goals.
Being Audie Murphy he must have had some pretty high level contacts in the U.S. military and intelligence community and I would surmise that retired Major General Mauborgne a co-inventor of the 'one time pad' widely used by the NSA well into the 1970's had supplied Murphy and his associates with codes and cyphers to carry on their patriotically covert activities and away from the Owellian electronic eyes and ears of the NSA and other U.S. intel and military spy agencies.
As Atlanta, Georgia was the last place Audie Murphy was last seen alive and General Mauborgne, an Atlanta resident died there only ten days later albeit at the age of 90, based on the facts, findings and suppositions supporting my claims of the likelyhood of a possible, if not probable cryptic communication connection between Audie Murphy and code master General Mauborgne.
Richard Nixon's Presidency was to be fatally sabotaged only six-months after Nixon released union leader Jimmie Hoffa in Decdember 1971, there with the Watergate burglary in June of 1972 and subsequent cover-ups which inevitably led to Richard Nixon's resignation two-years later in August 1974.
One of the apparent architects of the Watergate Scandals that brought Richard Nixon's Presidency down, was White House legal advisor and master of dirty tricks, Charles Colson a covert Defense Intelligence Agency 'mole' at the Nixon White House, who had former CIA agent E. Howard Hunt installed in the White House to run the 'plumber's unit' comprised of various other intel agents with shady reputations, all set-up to fail and eventually create the basis for the Watergate Scandal that was to destroy Nixon's Presidency.
The super-powerfull corporate, political and miltary elites that had both the Kennedy brother's assassinated, along with Martin Luther King and many others murdered as well and who virutlly installed Nixon as President, apparently had the power to remove him as well. -- Nixon had apparently crossed political backers by securing Jimmie Hoffa's release, and acting independently in other matters as well.
The 'chopper' crash that was used to 'cover up' the murder of U.S. Secret Service Agent Dietrich who was part of Nixon's security detail during Nixon's Memorial Day weekend visit to the Bahamas in May 1973 didn't help Nixon's image either, especially since it was only days after the start of the Senate Watergate hearings that were to eventually end Nixon's Presidency the following year in August '74.
The elements in Military-Industrial-Complex that had ordered the Kennedy assassinations and carpet bombings of civillians in Vietnam were in near 'panic mode' at the time of what I contend was Audie Murphy's kidnap-torture-murder in May 1971 what with the start of the Pentagon Papers in the New York Times on June 13th only two weeks later.
Before America's most decorated World War II hero Audie Murphy was kidnapped, interrogated and murdered, the elements of U.S. intel created 'rigged' 'frame up' situations that appeared in the press and news media nationwide in the months leading up to War Hero Murphy's death. This was done in order to discredit Murphy in the eyes of the American People.the
News of the Burbank Police department's attempts to 'frame' Murphy as a drug dealer came out only six-weeks after his 'disappearance' and death in some remote wilderness area of Virginia in May of 1971. Murphy's 'frame up' presumably by the FBI and CIA using the Burbank cops was intended to take place before Murphy's death in order to discredit hime and smear his reputation.
The timing of Audie Murphy's disappearance and death Memorial Day Weekend in May 1971 is also telling in that it provided the CIA assets in the press electronic media the opportunity to put a 'Memorial Day' 'spin' on Murphy's death. -- It also and gave the braggarts, blow hards, cowards and characater assassins around the Memorial Day weekend barbecues and beer kegs, in order to slander Audie Murphy and his legendary record as one of America's greatest war heros.nk
The timing of the April 30, 1971 death of Vietnam War Medal of Honor winner Sgt. Dwight Johnson, purportedly as he was robbing a store in Detroit to get money for his drug habit couldn't have came at a more media-opportunistic time, as it was the perfect weapon to indirectly cast doubt on the character of World War II Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy as well. time
The way that the 'Dallas Morning News' and other newspapers nationwide ran a full page spread on the drug related death of Sgt. Johnson ran on May 30, 1971, this within only hours after Audie Murphy's so called 'disappearance' and reported death. This was typical CIA media 'Psy Ops' at it's best.
I suspect that the murders of seven people in Detroit attributed to a so called gang war for the narcotics trade on June 14, 1971 most likely served as cover to murder witnesses and those who actually know the hows and whys behind Medal of Honor winner U.S. Army Sergeant on April 30, 1971 and the CIA media 'Psy Ops' machinations behind it all. -- The seven murders also sent a message to others 'in the know' as well.
The purported plane crash attributed to the death of War Hero Audie Murphy near Roanoke Virginia on May 29, 1971 took place only two-months after the weird ass nose dive crash of the Western Airlines 720 jetliner at Ontario Airport 40 miles east of Los Angeles on March 31, 1971.
On the same front page of the San Gabriel Valley Tribune for 3_31_71 appears an article on the discovery of the body of a defense attorney who was representing a member of the Manson Family, and how authorities planned to used dental records to confirm the identity of the attorney who went 'missing'. -- How hard would it be to switch or fasify dental records in a dentist office?? Not hard at all. -- I go into this in greater detail near the bottom of the page.
Weirder still were the purported deaths of four senior pilots who were supposedly taking a refresher course on a plane that Western Airlines was then already phasing out of service. -- A fifth crash victim was reported the following day. I suspect that this purported wasn't really a crash victim, but rather a witness who saw and or knew some things about the March '71 Western Airlines crash and reported in to the authorities to his on undoing.I was at Biscailuz Center at the time, serving time as an inmate-trustee there at the minimum security county facility from March 22nd through April 13, 1971 and one of my friends and mentors there was a purser for Western Airlines, another was a CIA agent in on a DUI along other assorted offenders, bikers, dopers and petty criminals who protected me from other assorted criminals who wanted to do some rather unpleasant things to me.
Even more bizarre was the so called mid-air crash between a Marine Phantom jet fighter and an Air West DC-9 jetliner over the Bradbury Hills on June 6, 1971, only 8 miles from the place where I then lived Azusa.
This was to be repeated the following month on July 30,1971 therewith the carbon-copy, mid-air between an ANA 727 jetliner and a Japanese military F-86 jet fighter over Shizukuishi, Iwate about 285 miles northeast of Tokyo. Although I was born at Fort Campbell, Kentucky I was actually concieved in Japan as my parents, and my older sisters who were lived there up until only weeks before my birth in March of 1953.
I would surmise that Manson cult member's Attorney Ronald Hughes may well have been tortured and interrogated much in the same manner that the victims of the found at Sharon Tate's home in August 1969. The fact that Hughes' 'body was found wedged between to boulders in a gorge' four months after he went missing and so badly decomposed that his death was ruled 'undetermined' would conceal any evidence of torture or physical abuse.
One might ask if Manson Family members defense attorney Hughes' was crazy enough to go camping in the wilds of Ventura County, when many of the remaining Manson Family cult members were still 'on the loose' in November 1970, especially there in light of the fact that Hughe's must have known the LAPD and L.A. Sheriffs Homicide were so actively covering up the identities of the other twenty-five or plus individuals whose fingerprints were found all the crime scene at Sharon Tate's home at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon Los Angeles in August 1969.
Crime Scene photos below of the massacre at 10050 Cielo Drive below which were credited to the Manson Family, which was in all actuality a CIA mind control project, involving drugs and sex and CIA MK-ULTRA style hypno-programming in the late 1960's. -- Another example being the Jonestown, Guyana mass-murder-suicides November 1978 directed by it's leader People's Temple Church leader Jim Jones, a reportedly high level CIA agent who was up until the late 1970's the most powerfull political lobbyist in the history of California. -- The Manson Family cult were actually the 'fall guys' served up in the press and media as the actual murderers, when in fact they weren't. Attorney Hughes' became aware of this before his death.
I would argue that the Hughes was most likely snatched by LAPD and intel agents, most likely CIA as as Hughes had evidence that would have implicated others there in Tate-LaBianca murders, most likely from witnesses who were afraid of the police, and then contacted Attorney Hughes instead.Illegal NSA and FBI wiretaps, electronic surveillance was fairly common even then as the then upcoming flood of Senate and Congressional hearings throughout the 1970's would prove, and so the cops got wind that Attorney Hughes had information that could implicate U.S. Intelligence there in the Tate-LaBianca murders attributed to the Manson Family who were actually 'fall guys' and media 'scape goats'.
In 1970-71 the assassination of Senator Kennedy in Los Angeles in June 1968 and subsequent 'cover ups' of the crime by the LAPD's Special Unit Senator detectives and the L.A. Sheriff's at the behest of the FBI, CIA and other intel orgs and the military was an open secret in Los Angeles County and was still fresh in the memories of those in L.A. and tens millions of other Americans as well.
The claims that Hughes decided to go out into the wilderness of Ventura County at such a critical juncture in the trial of the Manson Family members in the Tate-LaBianca murders seems dubious at best. -- The story from his two 'freinds' who said that their VW got stuck in the mud, 'Woodstock' hippie style seems even more implausible judging by their claims that they left Attorney Hughes in the woods alone as they hitch-hiked out of the wilderness area alive.
I would surmise that Hughes could have been grabbed in a parking garage by police and intel agents and that he never went on any camping trip and that Hughes was interrogated for possibly weeks on end Getapo style and then murdered.
The findings and conclusions cited in excerpt's from late Jim Keith's book: "Mind Control, World Control" below appears to corroborate, at least in part, my claims regarding Manson Family Attorney Hughes fate in November 1970.