"I was coming north bound on Rockaway Blvd. when I saw the plane approaching from the east, coming west across Rockaway Blvd. ah about 50 yards out I could see a bolt of lightning come down and hit the rear part of the plane."
Eyewitness Paul Moran June 24, 19'75.
President Ford's Attorney General announces practice of unauthorized phone wire taps and suspiciously low numbers of reported incidents.
Just drop a disc in the mouth piece of most any 1970's style, home phones and public pay phones as well.
Drop in Puzzle Palace Bk Cvr and Newsweek Jun 75 CIA cover too.
"Giancana was killed shortly before he was scheduled to appear before the Church Committee[27][28] investigating CIA and Cosa Nostra collusion in plots to assassinate President John F. Kennedy." wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Giancana
On June 24 and September 22, 1975 Roselli testified before the 1975 U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCIA) led by Idaho Senator Frank Church about the CIA plan to kill Castro, Operation Mongoose. Shortly before Roselli testified, an unknown person shot and killed Giancana in the basement of his Illinois home. This happened just days before Giancana was to testify before the committee. Giancana's murder supposedly prompted Roselli to permanently leave Los Angeles and Las Vegas for Miami, Florida. wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Roselli
Other notable news worthy events during that time period in mid-1975 were the 'secret meeting' of NATO ministers, and what then passed for for 'refinement' in thought such as the 'Strike First' use of missiles with hydrogen bombs on the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact Nations.
One of the things that I best remember about June 1975 is the June 23rd cover of 'Newsweek' magazine, as I then truly believed that message it conveys, best personifies my thoughts during that juncture in time, and perhaps those many millions of other Americans here in the U.S. as well those Americans then living abroad at that time.
In 1975 Frank Church and his Select Committee on Intelligence Activities interviewed Roselli about his relationship with the secret services. It emerged from this interview that Roselli and fellow crime boss, Sam Giancana had taken part in talks with the CIA about the possibility of murdering Fidel Castro. Roselli also claimed that a CIA hit team that had been dispatched to Cuba had been "turned" and used to kill Kennedy.
The following year the Select Committee on Intelligence Activities decided to recall Roselli. Soon afterwards Fred Black called him and warned him that Santos Trafficante had taken out a contract on his life and that the "Cubans were after him".
In July 1976, Roselli left home in Florida to play golf. He never arrived at the golf course and ten days later his body was found floating in an oil drum in Miami's Dumfoundling Bay. He had been garroted. Roselli's legs had been sawed off and squashed into the drum with the rest of his body.
Jack Anderson, of the Washington Post, interviewed Roselli just before he was murdered. On 7th September, 1976, the newspaper reported Roselli as saying : "When Oswald was picked up, the underworld conspirators feared he would crack and disclose information that might lead to them. This almost certainly would have brought a massive US crackdown on the Mafia. So Jack Ruby was ordered to eliminate Oswald."
The House Select Committee on Assassinations managed to obtain the records of an FBI wire tap on Santos Trafficante. On the tape Trafficante was heard to say "now only two people know who killed Kennedy and they aren't talking."
In an interview in April, 1992, Tosh Plumlee claimed that Roselli had been killed because he knew too much about JM WAVE, Operation Mongoose, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
American officials announce that the U.S. and Soviets have agreed to: "outlaw weather changing techniques of warfare."